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  • Automatic
    • B - Aovondale Forest Park
    • C - Clara Lara Funpark
    • D - Footstick Bridge
    • E - Railway Station
    • F - The Rathdrum Trout Anglers and Environmental Club
    • G - White Bridge
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The Rathdrum Trout Anglers and Environmental Club Fishery

Private waters Kill

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River Avonmore

Cyprinids fishing Reserve

Region / State:
Telephone 1:
353 (0) 83 118 0918
Brewery Lane
The Rathdrum Trout Anglers and Environmental Club
Alan Whines
Email address:
Last update:
2017-11-03 16:58:12
River or place: River Avonmore
Opening date: 15 de Marzo
Closing date: 30 de Septiembre
Longitude: 15 kms
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Language: The following information about The Rathdrum Trout Anglers and Environmental Club Fishery is not yet available in your language. We show the information in Español. However, very soon, it will be translated.
Size: Reo (40cms)
Upper limit: Clara Lara Funpark
Lower limit: White Bridge
Other info: Está prohibida la pesca de Samón
Other info: La política de Captura y Suelta se cumple para todas las especies
Comments: Permisos: Los permisos para pescar en estas aguas se pueden conseguir en - Murphy and Cahill (Gala,) Main Street, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow. - Meeting of the Waters Hotel. - The Tourist Information Office, The Square, Rathdrum, Co Wicklow.


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