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javier (Not registered)

esturión en bubal , sent by: javier (Not registered)

esturión en bubal


juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

ex-rio esera, sent by: juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

ex-rio esera


juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

super presa, sent by: juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

super presa


juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

ex rio esra, sent by: juan jose narvaez solano (Not registered)

ex rio esra


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Reply to que le den x culo al señor Bruno, sent by: RumanoidesNo (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2024-09-25 16:35:21 of Coto Sopeira.

Conoces la canción esa que dice "Me cago en esos putos Rumanos..." pues eso... Donde quiera que voy a pescar y veo un rumanoide ya tengo claro que en esa masa de agua solo van a quedar piedras.


Sin truchas, sent by: Pesca extrema khai (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2024-08-24 20:33:56 of Coto El Grado - Enate.

Hoy 24 de agosto de 2024 visite el coto de grado _enate decepcion total accesos al rio minimos escasez de truchas por decir casi ninguna algun barbo y poco mas se deberian plantear dejarlo libre ya que la poblacion de truchas es casi inexistente hable con un pescador de la zona y me dijo que excepto algun punto que conocen los de la zona las capturas son bajisimas o cero no lo recomendaria .buena pesca


Pesca en el cinca, sent by: Juanjo (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2024-07-22 20:02:52 of Coto Labuerda.

El único coto para disfrutar es el de lafortunada, un coto de difícil acceso pero si se consigue se puede pasar un buen día de pesca, tiene sus riesgos por la dificultad para acceder al rio


que le den x culo al señor Bruno, sent by: El rumano (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2021-03-29 12:24:38 of Coto Sopeira.

yo soy rumano y voy a pescar todo lo que queda ahí. ahora mismo salgo, aprovechando la semana santa. saludos!

Something about us

ElVeril thought of as a place of information on fishing in the world. At first we put all fishing preserves, free fishing areas without death, different social scenarios for competition sport fishing and of course preserves intensive fishing.

We did this only for Spain, then I have started two countries as Argentina and Chile, although there the task was revealed as almost unattainable. We are limited to include rivers and lakes without power typify the various fishing sites. As of the census of the fishing spots was unapproachable and saw that the collaboration of local fishermen was low, we decided to begin including fishing guides.

Of fishing guides and fishing-related businesses such as shops or boat rental services if we get a degree of participation. Specifically our friend Daniel Johansen from Bariloche Outfitters has always been an almost inexhaustible source of splendid photographs fishing trophy trout and stunning scenery of southern Argentina.

Over time we have had the cooperation of fishermen who have left us their pictures and comments on fishing sites and preserves. We believe that the collection of photographs of ElVeril is one of the largest currently on sea and river fishing, and continues to grow every day.

We would like your views on hunting grounds and fishing spots and we expect to see partners to help us launch a magazine about fishing for species like trout, black bass, pike, carp, catfish, large trophy fish sea ​​fishing or just on species such as bream or sea bass.

We begin to highlight both predatory fishing sites fishing for species such as cyprinids. The fishing light set, the carp fishing, catfish and sea fishing both onboard and from coast are on our list of future projects.

I can only reapply for your help to complete reviews of fishing sites. We understand that nobody wants to reveal the secret and almost inaccessible place booked for us and our friends, but there are many known sites all over which can give your opinions. Each review site fishing, either good or bad, help a colleague.


Fishing in Huesca


No weather available.

jours d'ouverture, sent by: Gérard Gouzer (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2017-06-12 15:57:59 of Coto Fiscal.

Bonjour ,
peut on pêcher tous les jours ?
Merci de votre réponse


Trout Fishing in May 2018, sent by: Laurence Lock (From the UK) (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2018-02-01 16:40:34 of Coto Bielsa.

¡He usado Google Translate, primero "español" luego inglés !! Espero que tenga sentido!

I have used Google Translate, first "Spanish" then English !! Hope it makes sense !

Me pregunto si puedes ayudarme.

Nos quedamos en el Parado Bielsa del 11 al 12 de mayo de 2018. ¿Sabes quién puede ofrecer una guía para pesca de trucha por 1 día?

Si puedes ayudar, sería muy apreciado.

Muchas gracias

I wonder if you can help me.

We are staying at the Parado Bielsa on the 11- 12 - 13th May 2018 Do you know of any one in the area who could offer a guide service for Trout Fishing for 1 day ?

If you can help it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


Piñana, sent by: Luigi (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2018-04-07 18:59:02 of Coto Piñana.

Hola,¿sabrías decirme con que señuelos se puede pescar en Piñana en la temporada 2018?
Muchas gracias


Pesca en el coto de labuerda , sent by: Juanjo (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2024-07-22 19:58:43 of Coto Labuerda.

Yo empecé a pescar en este coto hace 48 años, antes se pescara gran ca tiradas de truchas hoy en día con el tema de captura y suelta solo salen truchas de 15 a 17 centímetros, es un coto poco cuidado por lo cual ya resulta aburrido, no cabe la sorpresa es una pena