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Fishing sites



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Luis (Not registered)

Truchon, sent by: Luis (Not registered)



Rubén de celis (Not registered)

Truchones , sent by: Rubén de celis  (Not registered)



Rubén de celis (Not registered)

Truchones en el pantano de luna, sent by: Rubén de celis  (Not registered)

Truchones en el pantano de luna


Raul Casariego Bittencourt. (Not registered)

Cabeza de Surubi., sent by: Raul Casariego Bittencourt. (Not registered)

Cabeza de Surubi.


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Cua norte, sent by: Pipas (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2018-01-13 19:57:15 of AREC Cua Norte.

Esta como arec este ano?


La Omañuela, sent by: Victor A. P. (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2016-01-17 18:06:34 of Coto La Omañuela.

Pescamos este coto la temporada pasada, buen dia, condiciones inmejorables, buena eclosión de insectos y las truchas desaparecidas. Nos lo anduvimos casi por completo y el resultado fue entre 4 pescadores 3 a ninfa y mosca 1 a cucharilla y mosca ahogada, 5 truchas de unos 18 a 20 ctm. Los pescadores que nos encontramos mas de lo mismo, no las vieron. Este coto deja mucho que desear para como fué, pocas truchas y de escaso tamaño. Por lo que nos contaron era la tónica general toda la temporada.
Otro coto a tachas de la lista.


Coto de Villafeliz, sent by: Toñin (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2016-01-17 17:59:36 of Coto Villafeliz.

La mejor zona de pesca desde Villafeliz para arriba y mejores meses mediados de junio y julio. No se recomienda pescarlo en mayo por el caudal y porque arriesgamos a que baje sucio por afluentes aledaños si llueve. Paisaje muy bonito, truchas de tamaño mediano pero alguna grande hay.


Untitled comment, sent by: Jose Angel Gomez (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2015-10-16 19:07:56 of Coto El Castillo.

El coto muy bonito de pescar, algo cerrado en algunos lugares donde la pesca se complica.
Las truchas desaparecidas, solo salaen pequeñas y no muchas. El gran coto que fué no deja de ser un tramo más. No lo recomiendo cuando hay tramos libre en que escas mejor, una pena de coto.

Something about us

ElVeril thought of as a place of information on fishing in the world. At first we put all fishing preserves, free fishing areas without death, different social scenarios for competition sport fishing and of course preserves intensive fishing.

We did this only for Spain, then I have started two countries as Argentina and Chile, although there the task was revealed as almost unattainable. We are limited to include rivers and lakes without power typify the various fishing sites. As of the census of the fishing spots was unapproachable and saw that the collaboration of local fishermen was low, we decided to begin including fishing guides.

Of fishing guides and fishing-related businesses such as shops or boat rental services if we get a degree of participation. Specifically our friend Daniel Johansen from Bariloche Outfitters has always been an almost inexhaustible source of splendid photographs fishing trophy trout and stunning scenery of southern Argentina.

Over time we have had the cooperation of fishermen who have left us their pictures and comments on fishing sites and preserves. We believe that the collection of photographs of ElVeril is one of the largest currently on sea and river fishing, and continues to grow every day.

We would like your views on hunting grounds and fishing spots and we expect to see partners to help us launch a magazine about fishing for species like trout, black bass, pike, carp, catfish, large trophy fish sea ​​fishing or just on species such as bream or sea bass.

We begin to highlight both predatory fishing sites fishing for species such as cyprinids. The fishing light set, the carp fishing, catfish and sea fishing both onboard and from coast are on our list of future projects.

I can only reapply for your help to complete reviews of fishing sites. We understand that nobody wants to reveal the secret and almost inaccessible place booked for us and our friends, but there are many known sites all over which can give your opinions. Each review site fishing, either good or bad, help a colleague.


Fishing in León


No weather available.

Pesca , sent by: Jose Manuel (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2019-03-31 10:20:32 of Burbia.

Cuando empieza LA pesca sin muerte end villafranca del bierzo end el Rio burbia


recherche guide espagnols pour la region du LEON, sent by: PACE PATRICK (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2024-06-13 11:45:10 of Coto Villafeliz.

Recherche liste de guides espagnols pour differentes rivieres du LEON